This entry was posted in News on March 31, 2017 by Cody Stewart.

Shelby Eastern is privileged to have access to technology in and around the classroom. With this privilege, comes a responsibility to use this technology in the way that it was intended. We call this being a good “Digital Citizen.” We expect staff, students and parents to uphold their role in creating good digital citizens.

As a parent or adult, you will need to set ground rules on technology use. In addition to this, monitoring media use and discussing appropriate sites to visit will help. It is also recommended that you know your children’s passwords and codes for their devices. Regularly checking their social online behaviors will help as well.

It is important for students to be aware of what acceptable online practice is. Students should avoid sharing or posting inappropriate images, sharing passwords, posting personal information and communicating with unknown numbers or individuals. Students can also be aware of suspicious behavior such as, being asked for pictures, being asked to use a webcam, and being asked if they are alone. Students are also expected to refrain from cyber bullying such as spreading rumors or gossip, posting pictures of others without their permission, pretending to be someone they are not and threatening or harassing others. If students are aware of cyber bullying, they are asked to inform an adult immediately.

Students must be aware that once a picture, comment or file is placed on a public internet site, it’s out there forever and it cannot be taken back or deleted. It is more important now than ever that parents know what their children are doing online. Take the time to talk to your children about this important subject.